kolmapäev, august 30, 2006

[30. august] Buzukia night VIDEO!

Maarja ja tema hispaanlane lollitavad meie 4-tärni Kinissi Palace'i ees;)

Hetk hiljem istusime taksodesse ja suundusime kreeka live-muusika restoraani ehk buzukia poole. That's how it looks:

pühapäev, august 20, 2006

[20. august] Tln-Hel-Ath

"Flight nr: SK8352, arrival time: 0005. Will I see you there? Filia" (kr. k. "filia" - musi)

Esimest korda elus reisisin ma lennukiga ainult käsipagas kaasas, isegi check-in'i lauas olid üllatunud selle peale.
- How come, you're travelling to Greece and you don't have any luggage besides this with you?
- I live there.

Ei olnudki mõttet midagi vedada, sest pool mu asjadest oli endiselt koos Maarjaga meie Kifisia rajooni korteris ning P. ootas mind mootorrattaga lennujaamas.

laupäev, august 19, 2006

[19. august] jätkuvalt Eestis.

Eesti suvi. Kai maja taga. Juvente rahvas koos, ja Helena ka!

teisipäev, august 15, 2006

[15. august] P as Petros

P: "kisses esthononian super girl (blond also)"

He used to say I'm from planet "Esthon" and my country's name is Esthononia...
In his sleeping-room there was written on the wall: Be happy all the time. Both in English and Spanish with a usual black marker.
...The Lighthouse Family's song with the same name kept playing on repeat. That's where my moto comes from.

He never called me Tatjana or Tanja, it was always Bebe or Taty, both so sweet. It was just about the way he sayd it. I used to play hide-and-seek in the mornings, while he was searching for me and repeating silently "Tatytatytatytaty".

There was often freshly made fruit punch in the fridge for us: "Bebe, I added some nuts there as well, to make it better for you". And when I came back home at 4 am, drunk and tired, he was cleaning the flat, waiting for me: "Go to see our bedroom, I cleaned it up for you". He never nagged at me...

...and smiled all the time.

esmaspäev, august 14, 2006

[14. august]

Mu kallis s6ber-"poja" Kiho tuli tagasi reisilt Kreekasse. Jagasime muljeid msnis:

Kiho. says:
ma tundsin kogu oma reisi nii et tahan igaveseks sinna jääda

Nagu n2ha pole ma ainus, kes nii m6tleb:PP Aga homme 11:30 astun ma Eesti pinnale, B-terminaal.

pühapäev, august 13, 2006

kunagi augustiskuus...

...toodi mulle kiri töö juurde Escoba lounge'i.

neljapäev, august 03, 2006

[3. Αυγουστοσ]

He promised he'll use the same mobile number even in 15 years...we'll see.
Right now I'm listening to the CD he gave me one night, he mixed this music himself.
And...I'm thinking of how I'm going to feel when I'll be leaving Greece and Petros behind.

This CD ended in words which were taken from his favourite movie - The Matrix (he knows it by heart):

"I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world.. without you. A world without rules or controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you."

/Αθηνα. Ελλαδα