pühapäev, oktoober 23, 2005

News headlines:

1. I have the holidays from school ill 30. October.
2. We went to a club with Helena yesterday.
3. I've lost 2 kg:D
4. I'm going to Finland on Tuesday with Kaisa.
5. ...and overall feeling is kind of good;)

laupäev, oktoober 22, 2005

On see sügis, mis ajab nostalgiat ja masendust peale?

...Leidjal palun tagastada mu hingerahu ja naeratus.

laupäev, oktoober 15, 2005

I'm tired of revising for my test in school. I could do with a nap, but I have no sleep, although it's already 11 pm. Stange mood in short - maybe it's all because of miaginary problems I have in my mind 24/7.
Btw, tomorrow is a last election's day, so I'm going to election district and vote for somebody - to be honest I still don't know whom to give my vote:) But one's for sure - enough of scandalous electioneering: the most stupid idea of an Estonian politician was to send pillows with his photo on them to nursing homes. This man can't be sanely.

At Kaisa's place in September, after her arriving back to Estonia from France, where she left her heart;) I'm in the middle, Kaisa on the left hand and Kristel on the right!

reede, oktoober 14, 2005

kolmapäev, oktoober 05, 2005

käimas on IFs tund ehk informaatika süvakursus. Omamoodi masendav, sest teemaks on programmeerimine ja pascal. Mina olengi see kirglik programmerija.
Teine halb uudis on see, et õhtul tulevad soomlased kooli. Mul on veel piisavalt halbu mälestusi rootslastest, et sellise sündmuse pärast rõõmu tunda, eriti arvestades seda, et ma pean 2 nendest enda pool majutama. böö.
Aga ära öelda ka enam ei saa, täiesti haige olukord.
Any good news?

Bielefild, Deutchland. '2004